Sunday, April 12, 2009

Legoland, Superstar, and kitty love

Spring break came and went too quickly. Back to work tomorrow-it is going to be rough! I feel guilty because I work and can't always be at school for Devyn's events. I try to attend as many as possible-since Ron has more flexibility and can go to work late, he goes to more of them. This week she gets an award for honor roll again. I am proud of her-she does so well in school and is pretty motivated. Wish I could be there but I only have so many sick days and we don't have half day subs like my old districts did. It is hard to miss a whole day when the awards are from 8:30-9:00 a.m.

Spent break having 5 back-to-back sleepovers!!!! A new record! 3 were at my house, one at a friend's, and one at temple. Then we had another sleepover several days later. Had a great Passover Seder at a friend's house. Didn't get home until after 11:30 and her kids had school the next day! I have never seen Matzoh used so many ways! Devyn and I are eating "Passover-safe" for 7 days-it will be rough. No breads, pasta, rice, beans, or corn. Only ALL the major foods Devyn eats! My child who eats carbs with her carbs. We tried "kosher for passover" pasta-made from potato starch-not quite the same.....kind of like mushy hashbrowns. I sure miss my favorite fiber-laden english muffins!!!! I am having a carb party Wednesday at sundown. YIPEE!

Other than that-went to Legoland (with a 40% chance of rain but it held out), saw the new Miley movie (tolerable) and the Witch Mountain movie, lots of frozen yogurt and eating out, played tennis three times with Devyn, and spent lots of time with the new kitty (who doesn't let you sleep in because he wants to crawl under the blanket with you, purr, and bite your feet). He is so sweet and smart-fetches a ball and brings it back to you. However, I REALLY wanted to be lazy and sleep in. Maybe next break. I will post some pics-I managed to turn some around from the last post....Happy Easter/Passover!