Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Yosemite was beautiful! Hiking was difficult-it was hot and I hadn't planned on struggling so much with the high altitude. They were really low on water this summer so the waterfalls were not as impressive as I had heard they had been previous summers....Devyn did awesome on the horse. Her first "real" horseback ride. The trail guide kept praising her and asking her if she had ridden before to which she confidently replied "yes" (I hardly call riding in a ring with a guide "riding") Her horse decided to go off of the trail at one point. I would have freaked but she just steered the horse back on the trail. Amazing. I was looking forward to scrapping this pic but sadly they got "lost". Miraculously, after 3 hours of my husband trying to retrieve them, my step-dad somehow managed to.....thanks BOB!!


scrappygal said...

Ooh Heather! Horse pics..I believe I have some horse brads from CHA for you. I don't think that I am imagining that. I will double check and if I do, I put them aside just for you. Hope all is well :)

Stacey said...

Devyn looks so cute on that horse! I'm glad you were able to get the pics back!

illyse said...

LOVE the horse pic!! You know I love that! Yes, we did get horse brads at CHA. Around the block is coming out with a "horsin around" paper line and embellies too. Very cute!!