UGH! Another sweltering day of performing at the Street Fair! Nothing like peeling off your costume in a small, sweaty tent that smells of urine!!! Devyn performed three numbers at the street fair Saturday morning. I was hoping it would be a little less hot than last year (where one of the grandparents passed out!) But no, the humidity kicked in and it was pretty miserable. Two positives-we can get close enough to take pictures and I can get another use out of the costumes that I spent a lot on. So, the first pic is of Dev dancing Irish, the second is tap, and the third is jazz. I was fortunate enough to not have to dance-apparently the ADULT group (or "old people" as my daughter calls them) doesn't do the street fair.
The next pic is of a 2 week old opossum. It was SOOOOOOO cute. We held it for a half hour and did not want to give it back. I had noticed it by chance when I went to walk at the Oak Canyon Nature Center. The worker had two babies that had been abandoned and she rescued them. I brought Dev back after school (even though my friend thought I was crazy) because I was sure that she would be just as enamored as I was with them-and I was right. Dev went home and called her dad at work to tell him that she wanted the baby opossum for her birthday. No such luck! Opossums get such a bad rap. It was so cute and cuddly-didn't make a peep, show teeth, nothing....I will never look at them the same. Of course, the next day at school there was a dead baby mouse under Dev's backpack and she screamed like someone had been murdered! It was quite a scene. I laughed my head off because the day prior she had held the opossum and he was bigger than this poor little mouse. Unfortunately, her friend pointed out that her schoolwork had "touched" the mouse and so Dev refused to touch her work. I had to go in and ask the teacher for another copy! Strange child of mine-animal lover on her own terms. Might I point out that she also holds the neighbor's pet lizard on her chest under her chin???
Wow! That little lady sure likes to dance. I missed seeing you the meeting Friday night. I actually came late...right at the end. My daughter has been bugging me to scrap at the Red Bee. I've got to check my calendar, but maybe we'll catch ya there!
She looks so good at her dances! I need to come to one of these to watch her sometime.
Great pics of the dev at the street fair, must have missed you all. see you at the R.B.
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