WOW! I decided to go through Devyn's shoes-I knew that many probably didn't fit anymore. I have been accused of buying too many shoes in the past-both for Dev and myself. I can't help it-clothes are hard to fit on us but shoes-no problem! I started taking them out of her closet and putting them in a heap. Then, just for kicks, I decided to sort them. Lots of pink sparkly shoes, five pairs of silver shoes, gold shoes, animal print, etc. Dev was at a friend's house so I left them out for her. When she came home and opened her bedroom door she was very surprised. I don't think she realized she had quite that many. I made her go through them and I believe that she got rid of about 25 or 30 pair. Last year, she gave about 15-20 pairs to kids in Africa for a shoe drive. Between her and I, and two neighbors, she contributed a pile of about 75 or 80 shoes! I guess it isn't so bad if we put our obsession towards a good cause, right? I call her "baby Imelda Marcos". I think I created a monster..... (by the way, the "1/2" was due to a missing shoe. I am not surprised we lost one in that closet. I may add that this number includes slipper and flip flops. However, she does have about 7 or 8 pairs of dance shoes that are not in the tally. Yes, I know-it is a sickness).
wow- that's a lot of shoes! Hi H. Just stoppin by.
Holy Cow!! That is the craziest thing I have ever seen. Abby has 1 pair of flip flops, one nicer pair of flip flops, old dingy tennis shoes, nice clean tennis shoes, 1 pair of dress shoes for church and black mary janes to go with her school uniform... oh, and snow boots! That makes... 7 pairs! (Dance shoes also not included in the tally, but I think there are only 3 - jazz, tap and ballet). Like mother, like daughter, though. I have about 10 pairs of shoes... I think Chris even has me beat!
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